
Life has a lot of emotions that are never seen by many...moments that may happen only once...well, capturing those is my p-a-s-s-i-o-n...welcome to my lab!;)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dredd is back! :)

Hi, everyone!!! whoaa! i'm back!!! :) and it feels really good.. :) i know i've been "invisible" for quite a long time, 2 years, that is.. hehe. Well, a lot of things happened to me, good and not so good (i thought of deleting memories here but i realized all pixx here have been a part of my so called "life" and all of these have somehow helped me become stronger and wiser so i decided to just let it all be there and just start a new page of life..haha, emote?!) God has been so great to me, so im still here..back with a vengeance, haha! Just kidding. Im off for now.. pls wait for my next post. Til here, God bless! :)